Saturday, January 9, 2016

Spiritual Packrat

I have known and believed the Trinity for forty years. I would have fought and died for it if necessary. In the last few years, however, I’ve begun to experience this relational Trinity in a fresh way as the centrality of my life. Lord, You’ve opened my eyes anew and captivated my heart afresh with this revelation of You! My zigzag journey fuels my desire to play a part to dialog and help others get a better jump on this divine essential.

Driven by a longing to grow in relationship with this God who loves me so deeply, I more recently reread various classic Christian books that have impacted me and now I see nuggets scattered throughout. As I gathered these sparkling treasures like a spiritual pack rat, I stumbled across a pattern as I stood on the shoulders of great saints from the past. I was stunned how clearly a relational worldview emerged and how dramatically this has impacted my life. I now see this archetype all over Scripture. In this blog, I want to share a bit of my journey into a deepening koinonia with this relational Family-of-Three, Father, Son and Spirit, who love us more than we can imagine.



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